Sunday, February 10, 2008

Proud Mommy Moment...

A couple weeks ago Morgan tells me, "Mom I'm in the spelling bee." Now I have just read the note from school saying that they were having a Spelling Bee in the classroom. "Oh, thats nice." I tell her. Then the next day at school, one of the Moms says to me, "Congratulations on Morgan making it to the School Spelling Bee!" Uh, what? "Yah, Morgan and (her daughter) are the classroom finalists going to the School Spelling Bee!" Ok, this is where I smack myself in the head. OH! That's what she was talking about!
Morgan has this bad habit of not giving me ALL the information about something. Most likely she's been thinking about it all day. But when it finally comes flying out of her mouth there is SO much info flying around in that brain of hers her mouth can't keep up with what her brain is trying to process! Thus, I end up with bits and pieces that don't make a whole lot of sense to me. Or I think that's all there is to it when there is really a lot more. Like this time.
Fast forward to last week. I get an invitation to the CQ School Spelling Bee! Get sub, hope boss isn't too upset with me and I show up (with Grandma) at the school. I didn't realize how nervous I would be!
I have got to tell you, I was SO proud of her! Out of 12 kids she made it to the last 5!!! Her word was infomercial. I don't even know how to spell it! She hesitated about half way through the word, lost her train of thought and spelled information. Oh well! There's always next year!
Good Job Morgan!!!
I have to get the pictures off my camera and I will post one here!


Paula said...

Congratulations to Morgan! That certainly was a moment any mother would be proud of.

Marnie said...

OOOH congrats Morgan!

Dianne said...

You did an excellent job Morgan! I loved watching you up there. And...Jennifer...I was very impressed with how cool and collected you were during the Spelling Bee!