Today was the first day we got to go to the public pool. The girls have been asking since March when they could go. They had a blast!
I had lost them for a while in the pool and when i saw them again they were running towards me. I was afraid something had happened. But Andie burst out in a huge grin and said, "I went down the big slide!" HUH? Really?!? I have got to see this! So with a little girl on each side of me (and my camera in my hand) I got to see this...

Andie went down the slide all alone! Without me! No talking about it! No negotiating! No whining! Ladies and Gentlemen this is a first! You know what? That wasn't the only first of the day. If you look carefully at the first picture in my post there are TWO little girls smiling. Two real smiles. As some of you know my Andie has not been real keen on smiling lately. Like for the last year and a half. I'll have to post her latest school pictures... but that's for another time... My little girls are growing up (sigh). It makes me feel so good when something like this happens. It makes me feel like I am doing something right and these kids might just turn
out alright after all...